Friday, September 2, 2011

What are the contraindications for agile projects? (checklist)

What are the contraindications for agile projects?
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What are the contraindications for agile projects? (checklist)
When are agile methods suitable ?
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What are the contraindications for agile projects? (checklist)

When are agile methods suitable ?

Agiler Background:
The agile approach is not always the best solution. There are work environment or circumstances that militate against the agile approach. Below are the contra-indicators to observe and evaluate:.

Agile Contraindicators:
These are the criteria, which does not speak for the agile approach. In this case, other approaches shall be favored.

                Contraindications Customer
o  The project goal is not SMART. The goal is not clear. (specific, measurable, appropriate, relevant, terminated)
o  process is defined and regulated. (e.g. by Authority or Law)
o  Nice-To-Have-projects. If the pressure required is missing or it has no great significance for the organization. (No pressure = no result value)
o  Customer’s decision takes a long time. When agile process, the feedback is an important element. The absence of this element, makes the project to fail.
o  Lengthy change request process. These are formalized change process. The project stays still.
o  No user or customer contact. Projects without user or costumer contact are difficult to perform agile.
o  customer does not control the outputs. The customer must take care of the project. At least 50% of the time available shall be invested, otherwise the above-mentioned problems will arrive.
o  creation of life critical software. If the meaning of provability is higher than the agile approach.
o  fear of responsibility. If errors are not seen as an opportunity to learn, but interpreted as misconduct charge.
o  Client does not support the agile approach. To customer needs to come and play its role in the feedback activity.
o  No work on site possible. For agile methods is the close cooperation with customers and users very important.
o  fixed price projects - in such cases, consider whether or not feature driven development would be appropriate. It comes from fixed-price combinations.
o  Client is an authority - If the Customer is an authority, most of the decision paths takes to long, fixed price, a given process, i.e. a collection of some contraindications.

Contraindications Developers
o  No experience with agile projects, and no coach available.
o  unwillingness or inability to learn. Agile software development is a learning process.
o  culture of command and obedience - in a strictly hierarchical culture that grants the instructions almost like commands, each devbeloper is controlled so that any error is found for a guilty person, are not suitable for the application of agile methods.
o  If developers do not want user contact - then it is hardly possible to apply agile methods.
o  High developer fluctuation which is not good for the team
o  Developer does not accept to work on site if needed or possible.
o  No management commitment to an agile method - without it is not possible.

Contraindication Technology
o  Long build time

Agile Tip!
Book tip: Agile software development, values, concepts, methods of Wolf-Gideon Bleek - Henning Wolf-Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, - ISBN: 978-3-89864-473-0


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