Today i'm gonna show you, how to import / add javascript dependencies dynamically to your html files. I'm playing with object orientation in javascript and in this context, I've created a class that does exactly that and I'd like to share with you.
'use strict' /** * Use this class to import all dependencies dynamically into your html. * This class imports the dependencies only if not exits already. ** Usage example: * add this line to your html. Ex: index.html * < script src="../yourProjectPath/js/dependencies.js" > < / script > * * Then in your program.js used in this index.html, use it like this: * var dependencyArray = []; * dependencyArray.push("../../js/constants.js"); * dependencyArray.push("../../js/utils.js"); * dependencyArray.push("../../js/home.js"); * var deps = new Dependency(); * deps.addToBody(dependencyArray); * or alternativelly * deps.addToHead(dependencyArray); ** @author Ricardo Ferreira */ var Dependency = function(){ //***************************************************************************** // Private methods // As per convention, private methods in javascript starts with underscore "_" //***************************************************************************** /** * private method - Use this method to import all dependencies into the html head or body. * @param {String} tag value "head" or "body". Other values than that will return false * @param {Array} srcArray - A string array with the source paths relative to this file * @returns {Bool} true the dependency has been added successfully. * @author Ricardo Ferreira */ function _into (tag, srcArray ) { if(srcArray){ // this way to check for an array is 2/3 faster // then "srcArray instanceof Array" and much faster // then "Array.isArray(srcArray)" if(srcArray.constructor === Array){ var index1; var index2; var bodyTag = "body"; var headTag = "head"; var srcTag = "src"; var scriptTag = "script"; var shallAddDependency; for (index1 = 0; index1 < srcArray.length; index1+=1) { // check if dependency does not exist already shallAddDependency = true; var srcPathDelimiter = "/"; var srcPath = srcArray[index1]; var scriptTagArr = document.body.getElementsByTagName(scriptTag); var javascriptName = _getJavascriptName(srcPath, srcPathDelimiter); for (index2 = 0; index2 < scriptTagArr.length; index2+=1) { var javascriptSrc = scriptTagArr[index2].src; if( _contains( javascriptSrc, javascriptName ) ){ shallAddDependency=false; break; } } if(shallAddDependency){ var script = document.createElement( scriptTag ); script.setAttribute( srcTag, srcPath ); if(tag === headTag){ document.head.appendChild( script ); }else if(tag === bodyTag){ document.body.appendChild( script ); }else{ return false; } } }return true; }return false; }return false; } /** * private method - Use this method to find out the javascript file name. * @param {String} srcPath that contains the whole javascript path * @param {String} pathDelimiter is the delimiter used to split the path * @returns {String} the javascript file name. Ex: home.js * @author Ricardo Ferreira */ function _getJavascriptName (srcPath, pathDelimiter){ var arrayOffset = 1; var split = srcPath.split(pathDelimiter); var javascriptName = split[split.length-arrayOffset]; return javascriptName; } /** * private method - Use this method to check if a substring is part of another string. * @param {String} string that could contain substrings * @param {String} substring to be checked inside of string * @returns {Bool} true if substring is part of string. * @author Ricardo Ferreira */ function _contains (string, substring) { var invalidIndex = -1; return string.indexOf(substring) != invalidIndex; }; //***************************************************************************** // Public methods //***************************************************************************** /** * Use this method to import all dependencies into the html body. * @param {Array} srcArray - A string array with the source paths relative to this file * @returns {Bool} true if dependencies has been added, false otherwise. * @author Ricardo Ferreira */ this.appendToBody = function( srcArray ) { var bodyTag = "body"; return _into(bodyTag , srcArray); }, /** * Use this method to import all dependencies into the html head. * @param {Array} srcArray - A string array with the source paths relative to this file * @returns {Bool} true if dependencies has been added, false otherwise. * @author Ricardo Ferreira */ this.appendToHead = function( srcArray ) { var headTag = "head"; return _into(headTag, srcArray); } };
That's all. Hope you like it!
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